IoT Solutions & Services

IoT solutions reduce business costs and increase overall productivity. We, being the top IoT Solution Providers, understand the intricacies involved in creating a customized integrated environment for businesses to grab better opportunities, and enhance their customer experience.

Powering Businesses to Deliver Connected Experiences and Scale with Efficiency

Businesses are moving towards automation, and the Internet of Things (IoT) enables them to leverage the full potential of an integrated environment. IoT is one of the fastest-growing technologies known to ease operations and increase efficiency. For businesses that are seeking mobility and agility, IoT is the way forward.

IoT solutions reduce business costs and increase overall productivity. We, being the top IoT Solution Providers, understand the intricacies involved in creating a customized integrated environment for businesses to grab better opportunities, and enhance their customer experience.

Why Choose IoT Solutions

Keeping Innovation at the core of our endeavors we fill the entire gamut of IoT Services with four stages:

Easy Monitoring

Since IoT creates an integrated environment for all your devices, monitoring what’s happening in your workplace becomes easy.

Acurate Analytics

IoT devices collect all the necessary data and information that allows business leaders to make informed decisions.

Customer Experinece

IoT can offer real-time diagnostics and analyze previous data that enables businesses to deliver delightful customer experiences.

Cost Reduction

When deployed smartly, IoT-connected sensors can detect potential errors before they impact business workflow, processes, or production, saving maintenance costs and avoiding downtime.

How We Operate

IoT Solutions helps organizations reduce cost through improved process efficiency, asset utilization and productivity.

At KBS Solutions, we have an immensely talented team that strives to deliver proficient IoT services to businesses using the latest tools and technologies.


Understand your strategic needs, quick wins, customer expectations and conceptualize the blueprint combining the industry insights, technology expertise & business pain-points.


Define the right solution, IoT asset management plan with process transformation roadmap and governance model.


Enable devices to sense, learn, and communicate over secured channels. Also Integrate various building blocks, such as analytics, big data platforms, and sensing devices that provide accurate and real-time business insights to make smart decisions.


Ensure smarter operations and manage the service management aspects & realize the hidden value of collected data leveraging our expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).

Our IoT Development Services

Creating an IoT ecosystem is challenging. Our extensive experience enables us to offer End-to-End IoT Services to help automate your business.

IoT App Development

We at KBS Solutions help businesses develop IoT apps for a plethora of industries and keep their multiple devices connected.

IoT Consulting Services

For businesses that are facing challenges in integrating IoT Solutions, our IoT consulting services will help you from start to end.

NB-IoT Solutions

If you are struggling with challenges like efficiency, connectivity, low battery capacity, we help create smart NB-IoT solutions using LWM2M.

IoT Testing Services

Our quality assurance team thoroughly checks your complete IoT ecosystem, alongside its integrations, to ensure the best performance.

Industries We Serve

With our extensive experience in IoT Services, we provide secure and robust IoT solutions to a wide range of business verticals and industries.


We excel in creating smart and cost-efficient IoT solutions like self-parking, AI interfaces, etc., for the automotive industry.


Our IoT development team helps the healthcare sector in create innovative IoT solutions for effective staff management and better work management.


KBS Solutions IoT team helps businesses integrate IoT devices to track vehicle performance, driver behavior, fuel consumption, etc.


At KBS Solutions, we offer customized banking software solutions that improve operational productivity, allows fast processing, and protects from numerous frauds.

Smart Homes

Smart homes are gaining huge popularity as people prefer smart voice assistance to perform their daily chores, and we help businesses create that integrated, controlled IoT environment for them.


We help businesses in this sector incorporate smart farming by creating customized IoT solutions that increase productivity, reduce waste, decrease operational costs, and a lot more.

Building Management

We create computer-based smart building automation systems that are high in demand these days to control and monitor both the electrical and mechanical equipment of a building.


We help retail and e-commerce businesses create smart solutions like beacons, sensors, smart stores, warehouse automation, customized deals, and offers, etc., that enhance customer experience.

Industrial solutions

Smart Industrial Solutions that We Offer

We offer smart and innovative industrial IoT solutions for businesses looking for digital transformation and automation.

Smart Operation

We help businesses gain better insights through advanced analytics and offer smart connectivity across various devices for complete automation.

Smart Supply Chain

For businesses dealing in logistics and supply chain management, we create smart IoT solutions capable of collecting data and help manufacturers make the right decision.

Smart Facilities

We, at KBS Solutions, help businesses working in different verticals to integrate smart IoT solutions into their existing ecosystem or create a new integrated environment for easy monitoring.

Smart Assets

For businesses looking to attain higher profits and earn more revenue, opting for a customized IoT solution is the best idea.

Smart Manufacturing

Our industry-best IoT services help businesses working in the manufacturing sector achieve cost reduction and increase production. Also, advanced analytics helps them in making the right decision.